Immu-45: Fortify the Immunity of Your Shrimp and Fish

Empower your fish and shrimp with Immu-45, and witness a transformation in their health and resilience. Step into the future of aquatic care today.

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Elevate Aquatic Health with Immu-45

Empower your fish and shrimp with Immu-45, and witness a transformation in their health and resilience. Step into the future of aquatic care today.

Advanced Immune Modulation

Immu-45 stands at the forefront of aquatic health, as a fifth-generation immune modulator. It’s engineered to elevate the immune response of your fish and shrimp, ensuring they thrive in varying conditions.

Synergistic Formula

By integrating the power of phytobiotics, beta glucans, MOS (Mannan-oligosaccharides), antioxidants, essential amino acids, and minerals, Immu-45 transforms immune stimulation to unparalleled levels. This potent combination is designed to offer comprehensive protection and support.

Weather Resilience

Prepare your aquatic life to seamlessly adapt to weather changes. Immu-45 imparts resilience, helping your fish and shrimp withstand environmental stressors with ease.

Infection and Toxin Defense

This robust formulation not only combats infections but also aids in the removal of harmful toxins. With Immu-45, your aquatic species are better equipped to stay healthy and vibrant.

Hepatopancreas Protection

Targeting crucial organs, Immu-45 safeguards the hepatopancreas from damage, while facilitating rapid recovery. This ensures your fish and shrimp remain in optimal health.

Feed Efficiency

Elevate nutritional gains with enhanced feed uptake and nutrient absorption. Immu-45 boosts the overall efficiency of feed utilization, promoting growth and vitality.