Democratizing Innovative Solutions by Harnessing the True Power of Science

Corel Lifecare is a pioneering aquaculture innovation company that produces advanced bio-formulations to enhance the profitability of the aquafarmersExplore

Exploring future planning and expansions across various business verticals.


2023: Providing affordable, research-driven solutions to tackle real-world aquaculture issues, boosting health and ecosystem sustainability.

Crop Care

2025: Pioneering biological solutions for crops, free from harmful insecticides and pesticides, safeguarding human health.

Companion Animal Products (CAP)

2027: Advancing pet health and happiness through advanced and effective biogenic products in our Companion Animal Products division.

Feed Animal Products (FAP)

2029: Enhancing nutrition for livestock with advanced healthcare solutions for optimal growth and yield.

Human Healthcare

2032: Empowering human wellness with innovative, novel healthcare solutions derived from cutting-edge scientific research.

Committed to Excellence in everything we do

1000+ Farmers

served regularly

80,00,000+ m2

treated every month

100+ Channel Partners

across 6 states

₹9,80,00,000+ Saved

by aqua inputs cost in 2024 alone

Discover our range of products

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  • How Corals inspire us?

    Corals inspire human lives in many ways, from architecture and medicine to art and design, tourism, education, and scientific research. By appreciating the beauty and importance of coral reefs.

  • How Corals inspire us?

    Corals inspire human lives in many ways, from architecture and medicine to art and design, tourism, education, and scientific research. By appreciating the beauty and importance of coral reefs.

  • How Corals inspire us?

    Corals inspire human lives in many ways, from architecture and medicine to art and design, tourism, education, and scientific research. By appreciating the beauty and importance of coral reefs.

  • How Corals inspire us?

    Corals inspire human lives in many ways, from architecture and medicine to art and design, tourism, education, and scientific research. By appreciating the beauty and importance of coral reefs.

  • How Corals inspire us?

    Corals inspire human lives in many ways, from architecture and medicine to art and design, tourism, education, and scientific research. By appreciating the beauty and importance of coral reefs.